Game development at Globant
Game development at Globant

Engaging through play

Design and development of world-class games. End-to-end solutions: Content + Design + Platforms. Digital solutions to modern games backend necessities applying our best practices and patterns.

Game as a service (GAAS)
Performing every task needed to carry the product from its inception up to launch and beyond live support. Subscriptions, microtransactions, online stores, notifications, promos & offers. Engineering for rendering, level design, community, engine optimization and more.
Graphic engineering - UI & UX Design
We create and expand Highly Scalable architectures for cross-platform development. Supporting Unreal, Unity, C++ and Custom Game engines including rendering systems and game engine support. Design, Engineering and Art, QA support.

highly trained and diverse professionals


countries and global reach


years helping some of the world's leading organizations


Studios, small operating units that foster creativity and innovation