Globant Insights

Le contenu le plus récent sur la manière dont

les entreprises cherchent à se réinventer

Featured Content

Blockchain: un outil révolutionnaire pour toutes les industries

La blockchain est une technologie révolutionnaire qui connecte les entreprises à une réinvention décentralisée. Ses caractéristiques uniques de transparence et d’immuabilité offrent les avantages d’une solution sécurisée, évolutive, fiable et efficace pour les industries.

Tech Trends 2023

Discover four trends that will empower your organization to successfully navigate and excel in this disruptive era:

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Metaverse

  • Blockchain

  • Foundational Technology

Tech Trends 2023
Tech Trends: Sports Edition

Sports Organizations must respond to this new kind of fan and engage them seamlessly between phygital and digital experiences. A fan-centric in sport ecosystem is a path to delivering the next generation of incredible fan experiences.

tech trends sports-featured content
Is video the next frontier for NFTs?

5 ways non-fungible tokens can impact the video industry

Be One of a Kind

Editor’s pick: Cloud Transformation Journey

Enterprise IT infrastructure grows more cumbersome and outdated by the day. Cloud transformations is one of the best ways to solve this challenge. Download the whitepaper to create a roadmap to ensure your cloud success.

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