Event BG
Globant at SXSW #Agile
Sun, Mar 09, 2014
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.


Globant experts will be part of the Interactive Conference at SXSW on March 9th. Andrés Angelani and Pablo Brenner from Globant will present Agile Pods Model in a Tech Session titled "Agile Methodologies from an Agile Continent"

During the last years, Agile methodologies are one of the trends that had impacted the Software Development practice. To deliver great digital experiences, first to market and optimal investment is an exacerbating dilemma in the technology space. We would like to talk about Agile-PODs, a model that brings a better alignment between business and technology, driven by a culture of self-regulated teamwork and collaboration across skills, partners and country borders.

Sun, Mar 09, 2014
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.

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