Event BG
How To Engage Teams In A Digital Era
Buenos Aires
Wed, Aug 24, 2016
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.


In today’s world, there's a need to promote engagement and collaboration within any organization in order to sustain motivation. Developing a strong culture driven by a compelling vision of your company’s unique mission turns technology from a tool to a medium for success that will improve your profits and engage your employees. 

During this event Susana von der Heide (President at VON DER HEIDE), Rafael Berges (HR & Organizational Development Manager at Banco Galicia) and Guibert Englebienne (CTO and Co-founder at Globant and Chairman at Endeavor Argentina) will discuss ways and trends to create healthy cultures and stay fit for new generations. 
For more information click HERE!
Buenos Aires
Wed, Aug 24, 2016
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.