Event BG
Mastercard Digital Commerce Developer Challenge
Thu, Nov 05, 2015
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.


Globant is partner at SHIFT, Colombia 2015. An entrepreneurs and developer tech challenge for apps, digital solutions and strategist for payments in Bogotá, Colombia.

Teams or individuals can submit their ideas from October 8th to November 5th. The selected teams will participate in a one day workshop.

More information: http://www.mastercard.com/co/shift/.


Thu, Nov 05, 2015
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.