Event BG
[Medellin] React Dev Week
Tue, Mar 05, 2019
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.


Globant invites you to an entire week of learning!

With more than 16 speakers and four talks per day, this Dev Week is an ideal space to share knowledge, experiences and meet other developers that are leading the new features of React.

React is one of the most famous libraries on the current web, however, many people ignore most of its magic. This Dev Week will take an in-depth look at all the React possibilities in terms of creating reactive user interfaces. Come and join us in this captivating journey through React´s universe, you may be surprised by what you can do.

Tuesday March 5| 18:00 PM
React Hook + React Context. No more Redux?

Tuesday March 5| 18:30 PM
React for JavaScript developers

Tuesday March 5| 19:00 PM
Story Book: The UI development environment you'll love using ♥

Tuesday March 5| 19:30 PM
React Native, Developing native applications using JS

Wednesday March 6|18:00 PM
Thorough navigation for React Native

Wednesday March 6|18:30 PM
React Context vs Mobx

Wednesday March 6|19:00 PM
Basics of Angular & React

Wednesday March 6|19:30 PM
Integrating React with Azure Cognitive Services

Thursday March 7|18:00 PM
Side-effects in Redux with RxJS and Redux-observable

Thursday March 7|18:30 PM
Internationalization of React applications

Thursday March 7|19:00 PM
Performance & React

Thursday March 7|19:30 PM
Reconciliation in React

Friday March 8|18:00 PM
Exploring the transition from React VR to React 360

Friday March 8|18:30 PM
Stop repeating code in your applications. Monorepos to the rescue!

Friday March 8|19:00 PM
Creating a small state handler using the Context API

Friday March 8|19:30 PM
Simplify your state with MobX

Saturday March 9|8:30 AM
Consuming GraphQL data in React with Apollo Client

Tue, Mar 05, 2019
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.