Tech Insiders: Cloud
Tech Insiders: Cloud

Video on demand (VOD) - The AWS Way!

Tue, Jun 29, 2021

This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.


Globant introduces Tech Insiders: Cloud, a platform to understand and deliberate on the finer nuances of the Cloud world.

Why Should You Attend?

  • Basics of Video on demand (VOD)
  • A Walkthrough of an AWS reference solution for VOD
  • A Deep-dive of AWS media convert
  • A Demo of implementing VOD via AWS referencing

Write to us at for any queries


Suvendu Pani
Suvendu Pani

Java SME, Globant

Tue, Jun 29, 2021

This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.