Tech Insiders: Quality Engineering

Blockchain Basics & the Truffle Framework

Thu, Mar 24, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM IST


Tech Insiders: Quality Engineering

Blockchain Basics & the Truffle Framework


Globant introduces Tech Insiders: Quality Engineering, a forum to discuss best practices in Test Automation and Quality Control.

Why Should You Attend?


  • Understand more about Blockchain & its data structure.
  • Know the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin.
  • Understand how DApp's can be created using Truffle framework.
  • End-to-end / Smart Contract Test Strategy for DApp testing using Truffle framework.


Get insights on blockchain functionalities and its data structure, Decentralized Applications (DApps) created on Ethereum blockchain using Truffle framework, and an end-to-end test strategy including the Environment setup for Truffle framework.

Write to us for any queries


Nishant Tiwari
Nishant Tiwari

QC SME , Globant

Pradnya Mali
Pradnya Mali

QC SME, Globant

Thu, Mar 24, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM IST