• Are you creating a valuable employee experience?

  • 09 Oct 2019

    In the News

Are you creating a valuable employee experience?

Are you participating in the generational shift taking place in how companies treat their staff? New research confirms that creating a positive employee experience pays dividends. Find out what it means for you and your organization.

A Baby Boomer leader recently lamented in a workshop that it felt as if keeping employees happy had replaced keeping customers happy as a company priority.

There were a few jokes that this was the workplace equivalent of “Hey, you kids. Get off my lawn.” Many of the primarily Boomers and Gen Xers in the room agreed, however.

The Business Roundtable’s latest guidance on the purpose of the corporation still keeps delivering value to the customer as the first priority, but investing in employees is a solid number 2—well ahead of generating long-term value for shareholders which comes in at number 5.