• Banco Galicia implemented StarmeUp, an innovative platform developed by Globant to replicate the company’s culture throughout the organization

  • 23 Jun 2016

    Press Release

This initiative revitalizes values, strengthening transparency and promoting socialization in the workplace


This initiative revitalizes values, strengthening transparency and promoting socialization in the workplace


Buenos Aires, 26 June 2016 - Banco Galicia, the leading private bank of domestic capital, outstanding for its avant-garde technology and innovation, implemented StarmeUp, the platform that revitalizes the daily exercise of organizational values ​​and makes it possible to grow reinforcing culture, encouraging teamwork and transparency.

Globant, leading company in creating digital experiences, developed StarmeUp 8 years ago to accompany its growth, spreading its values ​​and corporate identity so it could multiply following its global expansion without losing its authenticity. Today, after testing the intrinsic value of the application, StarmeUp is available to other companies in order to assist them in their growth process, helping them with the digital transformation and creating an organizational culture of recognition and collaboration, reinforcing the sense of belonging in an innovative way.

StarmeUp works with peer recognition, so that any employee can become a culture guardian, reinforcing identity, providing transparency and collaboration in daily actions.

StarmeUp is based on three pillars:

  • Recognition: It allows employees to award a star to colleagues that show corporate values ​​in their actions, making them known to the rest of the company.
  • Transparency: StarmeUp clarifies, highlights, facilitates, and provides visibility in informal networks within the company, making good deeds known in real time, discovering hidden talents, positive influencers and connectivity between different areas of the organization.
  • Game mechanics: It uses techniques to attract users, encourage their participation, promote everyday heroes and generate a healthy continuous improvement.

Banco Galicia, which has more than 5,600 employees and 263 branches throughout the country, is constantly innovating its HR policies. StarmeUp is an answer from the company showing its interest to hear the opinions of its collaborators. The application favors internal communication and interaction among coworkers transversely through all areas and hierarchies.

In Banco Galicia we believe that recognitions allow us to strengthen ties by sharing achievements. Since the launching to the present, more than 9,270 stars were sent, this means that all our employees, on average, were recognized more than once in just three weeks,” said Rafael Berges, Organizational Development and Human Resources Manager of Banco Galicia.

For us it is an honor to work with Banco Galicia in this ambitious project. In Globant, we have had a very positive experience with StarmeUp. It allowed us to learn more about our people, while making it possible for us to transmit our culture consistently in the midst of a great global growth. We are sure that in Banco Galicia it will have unbeatable results,” Guibert Englebienne, Globant’s Co-Founder and CTO, stressed. 




About Globant

Globant (NYSE: GLOB) is a digitally native technology services company that creates digital journeys for its customers, which impact millions of consumers. Globant is the place where engineering, design, and innovation meet scale.

Globant has more than 5,200 professionals in 11 countries working for companies like Google, Linkedin, JWT, EA, and Coca Cola, among others.

Globant was named a Worldwide Leader of Digital Strategy Consulting Services by IDC MarketScape Report (2016), and its client work has been featured as business case studies at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University.