• First Globant Tech Update: the latest news in agile methodologies

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Buenos Aires, May 16th, 2007 – Globant, leader in global IT services and solutions, gathered more than 500 people –CEO´s and IT Managers and professionals, in Opera Bay, where they held the first Globant Tech Update. The event aimed to show the most important news in development methodologies.

Guibert Englebienne, Globant´s CTO, welcomed the assistants and talked about Globant as a knowledge community. “Our challenge is to build the biggest company exporting IT services from Argentina to the world. We look for the best professionals to join our project, that is why we have 800 job interviews per month and hire 40 new Globers each month”, highlighted Englebienne.
Ricardo Moral, Project Manager at Globant for SourceForge Entreprise project and expert in agile methodologies, talked about “Agile methodologies applied to efficient software development”, and used its implementation at Globant as a success case.

“The effective implementation of agile methodologies at Globant allows us to dynamically manage the flow of innovative projects of extremely demanding clients. In this way we can embrace change and adapt to our clients´ needs in order to offer solutions at the time they are requested”, explained Moral.
Strengthening the bond between both companies, Globant invited Patrick Chanezon, API Evangelist at Google, as a speaker. The French software architect talked about “Six Google APIs  for Don Isidro Parodi. Let's help Don Isidro build a better web site using 6 Google APIs” and explained Ajax Search, Maps, Google Data, Google Earth, Google Checkout and Google Web Toolkit.

“Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful, but we can’t organize it all ourselves. There are many bridges, using different technologies. That is why we want to spread the use of Google Web Toolkit, to build your own Ajax applications easily”, synthesized Chanezon. 

Chanezon included an extensive explanation of each subject he talked about, with live demonstrations and browsing through the Internet to show the benefits of the 6 Google APIs.

Thus, the Globant Tech Update fulfilled its purpose of bringing the latest news in open source technologies and methodologies to IT professionals, opening the dialogue and showing how Globant builds a community of ideas.

Download the presentations and event pictures clicking www.globant.com/techupdate/

About Globant

Globant is one of the fastest growing global IT services companies in Latin America. Its flexibility and abilities quickly made Globant a global player in the extremely competitive IT market, with first-class clients, specially located in USA and Europe. 
Globant offers a wide portfolio of solutions – from software development and infrastructure management, to software globalization -- and is extremely experienced in open source technologies and agile methodologies. Globant’s teams provide services internationally, always backed up by their offices in Buenos Aires, Tandil, London, San Francisco and Boston.

Wanda Weigert | Institutional Communications
Wanda.weigert@globant.com | 54 11 4109 1742