• Globant attended the Endeavor Gala 2005

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Globant celebrated the end of the year with Endeavor in the Gala that took place on November 10th, in New York.

Buenos Aires, November 17th, 2005 – Globant celebrated the end of the year with Endeavor in the Gala that took place on November 10th, in New York.

On July 2005, the leader IT outsourcing company in Argentina was chosen by Endeavor, who highlighted its high growing potential, its solid business plan and its leadership. This foundation selects entrepreneurs that have the necessary characteristics to improve the development and wealth distribution of its home country. After being chosen, Globant accessed to a series of benefits offered by Endeavor: consulting, international sources of capital and an important network of contacts, among which there are Harvard and MIT professors and respectable business leaders.

Dinner at the Capitale
Among the events organized by Endeavor, the 2005 Gala stood up. Three of Globant´s founders, Martín Migoya –CEO-, Guibert Englebienne –CTO- and Martín Umaran –COO-, went to the Capitale, the prestigious ballroom where the dinner took place. During the evening, which aim is to raise funds for the Endeavor Foundation, Howard Stringer, Chairman & CEO from Sony Corporation was honored.

Many other prestigous guests attended the Gala: Edgar Bronfman Jr., CEO from Warner Music Group; Michael Klein, CEO from Global Banking del Citigroup, the principal directors, sponsors from all over the countries where Endeavor is settled and the entrepreneurs.

A place for entrepreneurs
Globant´s presence during the event was a success. As every year, the entrepreneurs meet several business leaders, such as the ones from Citicorp and Black Entertainment TV. “This experience allowed us to be introduced to different business personalities”, says Guibert Englebienne.
At the end of the evening, Endeavor managed to raise up to U$S 1.5 million.

Gala Endeavor, in Argentina
A week later, on November 16th, the Endeavor Gala took place on the restaurant Madero Tango in Buenos Aires. Globant also attended this celebration and invited several prestigious business men to join them on their table.

"Our company is eager to continue growing and, through events like these, we can enrich our vision", says Martín Migoya.

About Globant

Globant is one of the fastest growing global IT services companies in Latin America. Its flexibility and abilities quickly made Globant a global player in the extremely competitive IT market, with first-class clients, specially located in USA and Europe. 
Globant offers a wide portfolio of solutions – from software development and infrastructure management, to software globalization -- and is extremely experienced in open source technologies and agile methodologies. Globant’s teams provide services internationally, always backed up by their offices in Buenos Aires, Tandil, London, San Francisco and Boston.

Wanda Weigert | Institutional Communications
Wanda.weigert@globant.com | 54 11 4109 1742