• Globant, a company recognized by Endeavor

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Globant has achieved several goals in its two and a half years of existence. The first one was to build a team of outstanding professionals. To this achievement were added others not less important ones: to sustain our dream of first class clients, to begin to establish our brand in different markets, to professionalize on a daily basis the way in which we export “digitalized talent” to the world and to offer our professionals a different place in which to grow professionally without leaving the country.

Globant has achieved several goals in its two and a half years of existence. The first one was to build a team of outstanding professionals. To this achievement were added others not less important ones: to sustain our dream of first class clients, to begin to establish our brand in different markets, to professionalize on a daily basis the way in which we export “digitalized talent” to the world and to offer our professionals a different place in which to grow professionally without leaving the country.

In July the dream of everyone who works at Globant was awarded by Endeavor. The prestigious Non Profit Organization selects leading emerging markets entrepreneurs with high potential and a solid business plan and who are driven by the necessary passion to excel. Endeavor considers in its selection if the companies have the potential to improve the development and wealth distribution of their home countries. Since 1997, Endeavor has selected over 200 companies from a total of 11,000 from all its member countries. This year, from a total of 700 companies, they have chosen 4 from Argentina.

This means that professors from leading US universities such as Harvard and MIT along with respectable business leaders consider Globant to be an outstanding place, filled with the potential to compete neck to neck with the largest offshore companies in the world.

Endeavor provides with its recognition very important benefits to the awarded companies. Among these, are the access to its important network of contacts and to international sources of capital

Read more in www.endeavor.org.ar

About Globant

Globant is one of the fastest growing global IT services companies in Latin America. Its flexibility and abilities quickly made Globant a global player in the extremely competitive IT market, with first-class clients, specially located in USA and Europe. 
Globant offers a wide portfolio of solutions – from software development and infrastructure management, to software globalization -- and is extremely experienced in open source technologies and agile methodologies. Globant’s teams provide services internationally, always backed up by their offices in Buenos Aires, Tandil, London, San Francisco and Boston.

Wanda Weigert | Institutional Communications
Wanda.weigert@globant.com | 54 11 4109 1742