• Globant Distinguished with the Sadosky Awards 2008 as Best IT Company

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Globant was rewarded due to its relevant career in the IT industry as a specialist in products, project development and IT services.  

Buenos Aires, November 27th, 2008. – Globant, Latin American leader in software product development and maintenance outsourcing, was recognized with the Sadosky Award 2008 as the Best IT Company.  

Globant was rewarded due to its relevant career in the IT industry as a specialist in products, project development and IT services.  

The Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel received representatives of the IT community to celebrate the Sadosky Awards, organized by the CESSI (Chamber of IT Services and Software Companies). This year’s edition was formed by 14 categories related to Human Resources, IT Industry, Technology, Press and Investment.

“We are extremely pleased to receive this award,” stated Guibert Englebienne, Globant CTO and co-founder. “We are proud of being recognized by the IT community: this moves us to continue working as a team with the chamber and with other Argentinean companies to position the country as leader in the IT industry. We want to keep on adding value to our society, generating more opportunities to the development of Argentina and the region.”

The event received Sergio Massa, Chief of Ministers of the Nation; the Minister of Work, Carlos Tomada: the Minister of Science and Technology, Lino Barañao; and the Minister of Education, Juan Carlos Tudesco. The US, France and European Community ambassadors, and more than 500 entrepreneurs, academics and businessmen of the IT industry also attended the ceremony.

About Globant
Globant is the Latin American leader in software product development, R&D, and maintenance outsourcing. With a rational blended approach of leveraging open source and proprietary software, Globant gives companies agility and flexibility while mitigating risk and reducing total cost. Globant’s proprietary SmartStaffing Technology™ yields high performance teams that enable companies to quickly develop their software products and gain an edge in the competitive landscape with the lowest total cost. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil, Córdoba and La Plata in Argentina, Palo Alto, Austin and Boston in the United States, Mexico City, Bogota, Santiago de Chile and London. For more information, visit www.globant.com.