• Globant introduces its Animation & VFX Studio

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

With this new area, Globant expands its services to the videogame and advertising industry

Buenos Aires, February 21st, 2008 – Globant, the Latin American leader in software product development and maintenance outsourcing, introduces its Animation & VFX Studio. This new area aims to address the needs of the growing industry of videogames, film production companies and advertising agencies.

Gustavo Giannini, area manager of the Animation & VFX Studio, and Agustín Alvarez, Business Development Manager, will develop the area specializing in 3D Animation, Composition and Visual Effects.

“The videogames industry is growing at an astonishing rate, and we know that in the country there is talent, creativity and innovation, three key characteristics also found in the Industry and in Globant”, ensures Guibert Englebienne, Globant´s CTO. “The Animation & VFX Studio will be built over those values. We believe there is a huge potential and we are sure that the area will grow in a short-term basis”, concludes. 

For more information, please click here

About Globant

Globant is the Latin American leader in software product development and maintenance outsourcing. With a rational blended approach of leveraging Open-Source and proprietary software, Globant gives companies agility and flexibility while mitigating risk and reducing total cost of ownership. Globant’s proprietary SmartStaffing Technology™ yields high performance teams that enable companies to quickly develop their software products faster and gain an edge in the competitive landscape with the lowest total cost of ownership. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil and La Plata in Argentina, Palo Alto, Phoenix and Boston in the United States, Mexico City and London. For more information, visit www.globant.com.