• Globant Launches New Studio to Fuel Business Continuity in a Post-Pandemic Era

  • 30 Jul 2020

    Press Release

Globant Launches New Studio to Fuel Business Continuity in a Post-Pandemic Era

The company presents a Studio that brings together its broad service offering helping organizations evolve their business models to thrive in today’s changing environment.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 30, 2020 – Globant (NYSE: GLOB), a digitally-native technology services company, today announced the launch of the Continuity Studio to help businesses face new challenges driven by the pandemic. During the years, Globant has built a broad expertise transforming organizations, and with this new Studio it is bringing together its knowledge to ensure organizations become more agile and adaptive. The Continuity Studio provides organizations with digitally-enabled solutions for strengthening business operations and creating opportunities in a context where constant change is a reality.

“We are at a time when companies must be able to follow the rapid change that consumer needs are undergoing and be able to adapt fast” said Diego Tartara, CTO - Business Hacking at Globant. “With the launch of the Continuity Studio, Globant strives to help organizations surf and evolve through the pandemic crisis or any changing circumstance. The studio’s solutions and services re-enable bridges between people, teams and businesses. We are ready to help organizations thrive in our ever-changing world.”

The Continuity Studio provides offerings and expertise in the following areas:

  • Business continuity through AI – The key to maintaining business continuity is leaning on technology where appropriate. Through “Ignite” artificial intelligence training sessions, Globant analyzes and identifies different solutions where AI becomes the trigger for enhanced business models.

  • Cultural continuity – In a world where employees are physically dispersed, it is critical to keep company culture alive. Globant’s Augmented Collaboration offering and StarMeUp OS tool recreates moments of serendipity in offices to maintain and grow organizations’ company cultures.

  • Process continuity – In times of change and disruption, organizational processes come under strain. Relying on a data-centric approach, Globant helps organizations optimize their processes by taking a three-step approach to mapping, defining and executing a process optimization strategy.

  • Customer Service continuity – Globant developed solutions that help organizations maintain an ideal customer experience in a post pandemic world, such as using virtual waiting rooms or virtual queues. The solutions help companies adapt to social distancing measures, optimize time and costs and meet customers’ expectations.

  • Education and professional development continuity – Globant helps businesses and education technology providers create and implement solutions for enhanced digital learning programs.

  • Payment continuity – The Studio creates solutions that enable consumers to pay for goods and services easily and safely, enabling business to continue transactions through digital channels at all times.


About Globant


We are a digitally-native company where innovation, design and engineering meet scale. We use the latest technologies in the digital and cognitive fields to transform organizations in every aspect.


  • We are more than 12,500 professionals and we are present in 16 countries working for companies like Google, Rockwell Automation, Electronic Arts and Santander, among others.

  • We are featured as a business case study at Harvard, MIT and Stanford.

  • We are a member of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord.