• Globant Media Roundtable: It´s Time to Look Further.

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Globant, leader in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences, yesterday hosted at The NASDAQ Market Site the first of a series of roundtables with key opinion leaders and customers to exchange ideas and thoughts on trends for the IT Services industry.

Globant gathers EA, Google, JWT and PRNewswire to talk about Innovation in IT services

New York, May 13th - Globant, leader in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences, yesterday hosted at The NASDAQ Market Site the first of a series of roundtables with key opinion leaders and customers to exchange ideas and thoughts on trends for the IT Services industry.

The participants of "It's time to look further: Innovation in IT services" panel included Mihai Pohontu, General Manager, Central Development Services of Electronic Arts; Patrick Chanezon, Client and Cloud Advocacy Team Manager of Google; Jamie McLellan, CIO of JWT; Kevin West, VP of Operations of PRNewswire; and Martin Migoya, Globant's CEO.

Referring to South American developers, Jamie McLellan, CIO of global advertising giant JWT, said: "I applaud the way they engage, they get in tune very quickly. They 'get it' and are willing to be part of the solution. They embed themselves in the project. It's partially a cultural thing, being creative. It makes them more vibrant, even in technical situations, instead of just typing verbatim the code you need."

"Nowadays it´s not enough to work only with engineers or marketing specialists. We need to combine those worlds to get products with Innovation, Design and Engineering, but also with scale", explained Martín Migoya, Globant CEO, talking about the company´s innovative approach. Guibert Englebienne, Globant CTO & co-founder, added: "To improve our specialization in different practices, verticals and technologies, we decided to organize the company into smaller groups called studios. These seven studios offer more value and innovation to our customers."

Patrick Chanezon, developer advocate at Google talks about Globant: "The team really impressed us with their capacity to innovate. They reminded me of Google engineers. They are very passionate about technology and this willingness to risk is at the heart of companies that are innovating."

At the end of the event, Globant presented an exclusive white paper: "The New Outsourcing Axis: Examining IT Service Innovation Inspired and Built in Latin America" written by Nearshore Americas with the following conclusion: "With their software development skills, and especially their proven ability to engage with clients, flexible and forward-looking Nearshore providers are in a good position to command more attention as viable partners in driving value to clients in the world’s biggest economies."

Download White Paper: "The New Outsourcing Axis", by NearshoreAmericas.com

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