• Globant opens a Design Center to propel talent in La Plata

  • 10 Apr 2014

    Press Release

This initiative will bring together Visual Design and UX experts to offer a unique training around user experience trends. The first course will start on April 28th and will kick off a series of courses that aim to train 100 youngsters within two years.

The Argentine company will train 100 students and graduates from La Plata in design and UX trends

La Plata, April 8th, 2014 –  Globant, leader in the creation of innovative software products for global audiences, today announced the opening of a Design Center in La Plata, Argentina. This initiative will bring together Visual Design and UX experts to offer a unique training around user experience trends. The first course will start on April 28th and will kick off a series of courses that aim to train 100 youngsters within two years. These courses will allow students to access top notch professionals and become experts in Visual Design and UX trends.

Globant Design Center’s goal is to offer a unique training experience, with a strong on-the-job approach that will allow participants to understand current guidelines and be in contact with real examples about real projects. Overall, the initiative aims to build a bridge between formal education and the practical needs and challenges that exist in the industry today, which will enable students to access the right tools and knowledge to work for first-class companies around the world.

The courses have no cost, they last four months and will take place in Globant offices in La Plata, Argentina (48th Street, between 5th and 6th). Professors include Globant experts, like Gabriela Moirano (Globant Creative Director) and Magalí Amalla (User Experience Expert).

Seating is limited, which is why the organizers will conduct a thorough selection process taking into account previous knowledge, interpersonal skills, creativity and innovation.
More details about the program? http://communications.globant.com/Comm/Events/ext/2014/Designcenter/documento.pdf
Registration form: https://www.surveymonkey.net/s/GlobantDesignCenter  
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/globantdesigncenter

About Globant
We are a new-breed technology services provider focused on delivering innovative software solutions by leveraging emerging technologies and trends. We combine the engineering and technical rigor of IT services providers with the creative approach and culture of digital agencies. Globant is the place where engineering, design and innovation meet scale.
In only 11 years, we created a Company that:

  • Has more than 3,100 professionals working for companies like Google, Linkedin, JWT, EA y Coca Cola, among several others
  • Was recognized as one of the top 10 innovative companies in South America by FastCompany
  • Was named among the top 10 product engineering vendor (2011) by Global Services
  • Was recognized among the top 10 vendors in mobile applications development (2012) by IDC Survey
  • Was included in the 2010 Cool Vendor in Business Process Services Report by Gartner
  • Was featured as case study of Harvard, MIT, Stanford and others

For more information, visit www.globant.com.