• Globant opens new offices in Rosario

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

With the opening of 100 job positions in Rosario and a planned investment of U$D 23.650.000 for the next three years, the Argentine company continues expanding in the country

Buenos Aires, August, 2010.- Globant, the leading company in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences, opens this Thursday, August 12th, new offices in Rosario city, Santa Fe, at the building Museion located in Alvear st. nº 1670, 8th floor. This opening comes after the recently opened development centers in Tandil, Cordoba and Uruguay, reinforcing Globant's expansion in the country and the region.

With the intention of promoting its growth throughout Argentina´s provinces, and with an investment planned of u$d 23.650.000 for the next 3 years, Globant opens its new facilities with 100 employees and with a projection of hiring a total of 250 professionals. In this new development center there will be development projects and services of infrastructure and IT security for companies like Razorfish, Google, Vmware, Disney, PRNewswire and Kimberly Clark, among others.

“Globant continues offering development opportunities to many professionals throughout the region, and because of it we are proud to open more career paths", said Guibert Englebienne, Globant CTO and Co-Founder.

“One of our goals is to promote the professional development of talent from their native cities, in order to generate sustainable growth within their communities without having to migrate to another city like Buenos Aires", explained Martin Migoya, Globant CEO and Co-Founder. “This is why the opening of Rosario´s offices is s a key project to us."

“We are glad to announce that Globant is honoring its word of investing and expanding its capacities in Rosario. The first milestone was the acquisition of the company Openware at the end of 2008 and now it´s followed by the opening of these new AAA offices which will result in more opportunities for the professionals of our region", added Federico Seineldin, ex-CEO of Openware and Globant's current Managing Partner.

For this office, Globant is already looking for new professionals to join to the team of more than 1500 Globers. The same profiles are being scouted than in the rest of Globant's development centers: engineers and students of IT, with knowledge in technologies such as Java, .Net, C ++, ActionScript, Sharepoint, QA, Mobile, Web 2.0. Also specialists in networks virtualization, Linux and other profiles, such as PMs, Web Designers, Functional Analysts, Human Resources, etc. are being scouted.

With this decision, Globant seeks to maximize the offer of the services that provides to world class clients, such as Orbitz, Google, Electronic Arts and Coca Cola.

About Globant

Globant is one of the international leaders in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences. Globant combines a rational blend of Open-Source with proprietary software, which brings flexibility, mitigates risk and ultimately reduces costs. Globant’s proprietary SmartStaffing Technology™ yields high performance teams that enable companies to quickly develop their software products and gain an edge in the competitive landscape with the lowest total cost. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil, Córdoba, Rosario and La Plata in Argentina, Palo Alto, Austin and Boston in the United States, Mexico City, Bogota, Santiago de Chile and London. For more information, visit www.globant.com