• Globant Releases Its 2019 Trends in Technology Report to Examine the Future of Digital and Cognitive Transformations

  • 28 Feb 2019

    Press Release

Globant Releases Its 2019 Trends in Technology Report to Examine the Future of Digital and Cognitive Transformations

The report dives into how solutions related to IoT, AI, Cloud, 5G and Quantum Computing will be the building blocks of the future of organizations

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 28, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Globant (NYSE: GLOB), a digitally native technology services company, has just released its 2019 Trends in Technology report. The annual report dives into emerging technologies and how they will impact the business landscape in the new year and beyond. This year's edition examines the future of digital and cognitive transformations in businesses, in which digital infrastructure including the IoT Grid, the Artificial Intelligence Engine (AI Engine), Cloud, Intelligent Automation (IA), Quantum Computing and 5G become more ingrained across digital businesses.

"The digital landscape is changing at a record pace, and at Globant, as a digitally native company, we are at the forefront of new technologies and trends," said Martín Migoya, CEO, Globant. "There's already a solid foundation of use cases for technologies like IoT and AI, and this year we're anticipating that we'll see these solutions really get taken to the next level."

The report explores how the following tech trends will be the building blocks of digital businesses in 2019:

1. IoT Grid: IoT solutions will go beyond just a singular element or individual task. Now is an opportune time to build or buy IoT ready platforms with IoT devices as a bundle that will be easily integrated with existing systems.

2. AI Engine: AI engines will drive business across industries through automated insights derived from complex data sets, delivered faster than ever before. AI engines will continue to become more advanced and gradually teach themselves to recognize external and internal factors that have an impact on the operation of machines and the consumer environment as a whole.

3. Intelligent Automation: Robotic process automation is embracing Artificial Intelligence allowing it to turn into "intelligent automation." This means solutions are increasingly being pre-trained with natural language recognition, and processing and becoming solutions capable of more complex decision making.

4. Quantum Computing: Quantum computing will play a larger role in powering machine learning systems and AI platforms to better improve, understand, and interpret large datasets and calculations, ensuring faster AI recommendations and outputs.

5. 5G: 5G will become a primary way to facilitate the connectivity and transfer of data seamlessly and quickly for machine-to-machine communication. Not only will it ensure the speed of data transfer, but will also provide scaling possibilities in the mobile network.

Cloud Technologies: Cloud computing is the way to go for organizations to digitize their business completely. Companies are leveraging Cloud technologies to transform their internal IT departments and build a business ready IT. Cloud Technologies provide the foundation for delivering successful customer experiences and business efficiency.

"Organizations should start to consider how these trends will impact their business," said Guibert Englebienne, CTO, Globant. "It's all about having the right tech for each unique need. These trends aren't going anywhere, and it's important for those who are thinking about next steps to make sure they have the infrastructure and organizational culture in place to make the solution successful."

To view the full 2019 Trends in Technology report, click here.

About Globant

We are a digitally native company where innovation, design and engineering meet scale. We use the latest technologies in the digital and cognitive field to empower organizations in every aspect.

1. Globant has more than 8,300 professionals and we are present in 14 countries working for companies like Google, Linkedin, BBVA, EA and Coca Cola among others.

2. We were named a Worldwide Leader of Digital Strategy Consulting Services by IDC MarketScape report (2016 and 2017)

3. We are featured as a business case study at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford.