• Globant, sponsor at CafeCONF 2007

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Buenos Aires, October 2007- Globant, leader global IT services provider, will be a sponsor at the sixth CafeCONF, a free event on software which takes place at Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), on October 5th and 6th.

Besides being sponsor, Globant will be an exhibitor and will offer lectures on different topics: 
October 5th
•At 14.00 hs Guido Barosio, System Engineering Manager, will lecture on “Practical Extract and Report Language (AKA PERL)”.
•At 16.00 hs Guido Barosio, System Engineering Manager, and Leandro Chapuis, Oracle & MySQL DBA, will discuss about "Postgresl & MySQL".

October 6th
•At 15.00 hs Pablo Suarez, Quality Control Manager, will lecture on “Cell phone programming”.

CafeCONF is an event organized every year by CaFeLUG (a group of free software users from Buenos Aires). Its purpose is to train and spread knowledge on different areas of free software. Various experts are gathered during the event to discuss the latest innovations and topics.
During this edition, CaFeCONF will invite students and teachers and introduce them into the free software tools available for their daily tasks. “If we manage to show the benefits that they will obtain using these tools, we will be giving a huge step towards the incorporation of free software in education”, explain the organizers.  
“Globant´s leadership in the creation of solutions based on open-source results on an important and strong bond with the community. Our Globers permanently collaborate with those groups and we encourage them to share their knowledge both with the company and the community. This is why our involvement in CafeCONF is so important”, points out Guibert Englebienne, Globant CTO.

“CafeCONF allows the assistants to access a deeper knowledge in the philosophy that our company supports and encourages. Moreover, it is a great opportunity to learn from gurus and relate to people with the same interests”, states Guido Barosio.

Name: CaFeConf - 6tas. Conferencias Abiertas de Software Libre y GNU/Linux
Date: October 5th and 6th, 2007
Place: Lima 717 - UADE - Capital Federal - Argentina

About Globant

Globant is one of the fastest growing global IT services companies in Latin America. Its flexibility and abilities quickly made Globant a global player in the extremely competitive IT market, with first-class clients, specially located in USA and Europe.
Globant offers a wide portfolio of solutions – from software development and infrastructure management, to software globalization -- and is extremely experienced in open source technologies and agile methodologies. Globant’s teams provide services internationally, always backed up by their offices in Buenos Aires, Tandil, London, Mexico DF, Silicon Valley and Boston.