• Globant, Studied by Harvard and the World Economic Forum

  • 22 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Harvard wrote a case study about Globant that was presented in a classroom of more than 150 MBA students from Harvard Business School.

The Argentinean company was also highlighted in the Global Entrepreneurship and Successful Growth Strategies of Early-Stage Companies report, written by the World Economic Forum, Stanford University and Endeavor Global

Buenos Aires, April 2011. Globant, leader in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences, today announced that it has become a case study for different prestigious institutions: Harvard Business School and the World Economic Forum, together with Stanford University and Endeavor Global.

Harvard Business School published its business case about Globant describing the history, present and strategy of the Argentinean company. The case was produced by Mukti Khaire, Gustavo Herrero and Cintra Scott from Harvard Business School, and describes some of the challenges that the Company faced in its path of growth and expansion. The study was presented in a classroom with more than 150 students from the second year of the MBA, and was attended also by Globant´s four founders: Martín Migoya, CEO; Martín Umaran, COO; Guibert Englebienne, CTO; and Néstor Nocetti, VP Innovation Labs.

On top of that, Globant was also chosen as a case study in the report Global Entrepreneurship and Successful Growth Strategies of Early-Stage Companies, written by the World Economic Forum together with Stanford University and Endeavor Global.

This report outlines that the bulk of the wealth and job creation driven by start-ups is concentrated in a much smaller percentage of companies than typically expected, and explains that Governments seeking to promote growth through entrepreneurship need to learn what makes their local top 1% of companies successful. The study highlights the story of Globant –together with others like eBay, Skype and Microsoft, as an example of high impact companies, and explains its growth strategy. More information on the report can be found here www.weforum.org/issues/global-entrepreneurship.

“This report offers compelling proof that to drive economies forward, the key is not to generalize approaches for all entrepreneurs, but to focus resources on high-impact entrepreneurs – those innovators with the highest potential to scale,” said Linda Rottenberg, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Endeavor.

“It is a great honor to have been invited as a Harvard case study, and to have been distinguished by the World Economic Forum,” explained Martín Migoya, Globant CEO. “This type of recognitions reassures that we are in the right path, and confirms that with effort and passionate team work we can dream big from our region, adding value to the entrepreneurial environment”.

About Globant

Globant is one of the global leaders in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences. Globant combines a rational blend of Open-Source with proprietary software, which brings flexibility, mitigates risk and ultimately reduces costs. Globant’s proprietary SmartStaffing Technology™ yields high performance teams that enable companies to quickly develop their software products and gain an edge in the competitive landscape with the lowest total cost. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil, Córdoba, Rosario, Resistencia and La Plata in Argentina, San Jose, Chicago and Boston in the United States, Montevideo, Bogota, and London. For more information, visit www.globant.com.