• Globant was Recognized with the "Exporting Excellence" Award

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

For the second year in a row, Globant was distinguished with Exporting Excellence Awards. This time, it was rewarded with the distinction for “The Most Innovating Technologic Export” and was crowned with the Golden Prize.

Buenos Aires, August 27, 2008 - Globant, the Latin American leader in software product development and maintenance outsourcing, was rewarded last night with the Golden Prize for Exporting Excellence and with the distinction for “The Most Innovating Technologic Export”. These awards for Exporting Excellence are organized by La Nacion Newspaper and Cargo Terminal Argentina (TCA), and aim to recognize the most innovative companies .

On the fourth edition of these Awards, which took place in the Red Pavilion of “La Rural”, Globant was awarded within a group composed by COL-VEN S.A., COMPETIR.COM and SIA SISTEMAS S.A. Represented by three of its founders – Martín Migoya, CEO; Guibert Englebienne, CTO and Martín Umaran, COO, Globant received the highest distinction of the night: The Golden Prize for the Highest Value Added Export. “We are really proud of receiving these distinctions. This prize for Exporting Excellence is not only addressed to Globant itself, but to our Globers and to all those people working abroad who contribute with the Argentinian brand and the country’s growth. Their talent and dedication is what will enable the development of our country and of our people to continue growing”, pointed out Martín Migoya.

Approximately 400 people participated in the event. Among them ,stood out the Argentinian Vice President Julio Cobos; Débora Giorgi, Production Minister for Buenos Aires; José Claudio Escribano, member of the SA La Nacion’s board; Alfredo Chiaradia, International Economic Relations Secretary; Luis María Kekler, International Commerce Sub-Secretary; María Silvina Tirabassi, Customs General Director; Francisco Cabrera, Economic Development Minister for Buenos Aires; Juan Carlos Lomaglio, TCA General Manager; Rosario Solari, Exporting Chamber Director; Diego Pérez Santisteban, Importing Chamber President; Guillermo Feldman, from the Secretary of Industry; Beatriz Nofal, President of the National Agency for the Development of Inversions; Carlos Quaglio, Vice President of the Inversion and External Commerce Bank and Marcelo Elizondo, ExportAr Foundation Executive Director, and other national and provincial authorities.

About Globant
Globant is the Latin American leader in software product development and maintenance outsourcing. With a rational blended approach of leveraging Open-Source and proprietary software, Globant gives companies agility and flexibility while mitigating risk and reducing total cost of ownership. Globant’s proprietary SmartStaffing Technology™ yields high performance teams that enable companies to quickly develop their software products faster and gain an edge in the competitive landscape with the lowest total cost of ownership. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil and La Plata in Argentina, Palo Alto, Phoenix and Boston in the United States, Mexico City and London. For more information, visit www.globant.com.