• Martín Migoya, Globant´s CEO, was given the Konex Award as Innovative Executive 2008

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Buenos Aires, may 2008. – Martín Migoya, CEO and one of Globant´s founders, was recognized with the Konex award as an Innovative Excecutive 2008.

The Konex Award Grand Jury selected the 100 most distinctive personalities and entities from the past decade among Argentinean Institutions-Communities-Companies (1998-2007). These personalities were grouped around twenty different disciplines.  

The 100 Konex Awards – Merit Diplomas are going to be given on Tuesday, September 9th, 2008 in the Universidad de Buenos Aires. More on: http://www.fundacionkonex.org/novedades/novedad.asp?idnovedad=114
Martin has extensive experience in business management, sales and marketing. Prior to co-founding Globant, Martin was Director of Business Development at a large consulting and technology services company, developing the IT and ERP market in Brazil and Argentina. At Origin BV Holland, he was Latin America's Regional Business Manager, where he was instrumental in managing and developing high technology businesses related to SAP and the Internet, with custumers like Procter & Gamble, Renault, and Roemmers Laboratories. Previously, Martín worked as Project Manager for REPSOL - YPF, Argentina's largest oil-and-gas company. Martin has lived and worked in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and UK. He holds a degree in Electronic Engineering from La Plata University and a Master degree in Business Administration from CEMA University.

About Globant

Globant is the Latin American leader in software product development and maintenance outsourcing. With a rational blended approach of leveraging Open-Source and proprietary software, Globant gives companies agility and flexibility while mitigating risk and reducing total cost of ownership. Globant’s proprietary SmartStaffing Technology™ yields high performance teams that enable companies to quickly develop their software products faster and gain an edge in the competitive landscape with the lowest total cost of ownership. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil and La Plata in Argentina, Palo Alto, Phoenix and Boston in the United States, Mexico City and London. For more information, visit www.globant.com.