• Tech Startups Learn to Soar in Buenos Aires

  • 01 Nov 2017

    In the News

Buenos Aires, the riverside metropolis where the tango is danced and the passion for soccer overflows on the weekends, is also gaining global recognition as a launch pad for high-tech companies.

Buenos Aires, the riverside metropolis where the tango is danced and the passion for soccer overflows on the weekends, is also gaining global recognition as a launch pad for high-tech companies.

The Argentinian capital of 3 million has been dubbed Latin America’s Silicon Valley, a place where many promising startups are born and where some have transformed into successful “unicorns”— companies whose valuation exceeds $1 billion.

One such unicorn is Globant, a software and data services provider based in La Plata, just south of Buenos Aires. With just $5,000 and a borrowed office, co-founder Martin Migoya and three partners opened for business in 2003 when Argentina was just emerging from a severe financial crisis. Fourteen years later, Globant has grown into a truly global giant with offices in 17 countries and total annual revenues of $400 million.