• 2022 Trends Report: Globant shares insights on key 5 strategies to succeed in digital business reinvention

  • 18 Feb 2022

    Press Release

Trends Report 2022

In this edition, Globant shares its perspective on how human-centric AI, “phygital” strategies, a data-driven culture, the metaverse, and blockchain will boost business reinvention, enhance exceptional experiences, and create high-performing workplaces.

New York, February 18, 2022 - Globant (NYSE: GLOB), a digitally native company focused on reinventing businesses through innovative technology solutions, today published its “2022 Trends Report.” The report details five key insights on strategies that  – when combined with an intense focus on being customer-centric, while leveraging new and emerging technologies to create exceptional experiences – will set businesses apart from their competitors: human-centric AI, reinvention of the business model, high-performing workplaces, the metaverse, and blockchain.

The pace of change in the technology field has increased exponentially over the last several decades. It has never been more critical for businesses to reinvent themselves as they adjust to new technologies, shifting priorities, and demands from their customers and employees. Globant’s top insights for 2022 include:

  1. The metaverse will create new spaces for companies to extend their presence, offerings, and creativity, maximizing engagement with customers and employees.

    The metaverse will present more possibilities for customers to interact and engage with a brand or product and new ways for companies to reinvent the customer or employee experience. A metaverse environment will drive businesses to take advantage of new sponsorship of events and concerts, digital-only products, and immersive experiences.
  2. Remaining human-centric amid technological advances in AI and machine learning will be critical.

    Maintaining a human-centric approach to these technological enhancements will be imperative to bringing people and technology together. AI and machine learning (ML) are helping organizations create more personalized experiences, focusing on tailor-made offerings and opportunities. At the same time, AI and ML are aiding in automating processes to increase efficiency, optimize data collection, and simplify decision-making.
  3. Blockchain and decentralization will drive business reinvention. 

    Organizations will start to transform their business model to create strategic alliances and collaborative technology such as blockchain. This will enable them to build cross-industry connections, establishing a fully integrated interconnection and functionality for their partners and users through APIs. Part of decentralization will include Web 3.0, the next phase of the internet. Although Web 3.0 is still in its early stages, it will consist of a blockchain-based layer where users will collectively manage a single personalized account that includes social networks, search engines, and marketplaces, returning the ownership of their data to the users. 
  4. Reinvention of business models will focus on ensuring resilience through multi-industry strategic alliances and a new customer relationship.

    As industry boundaries begin to fade, the need for collaboration and new and innovative business alliances will continue to emerge. Additionally, businesses must focus on integrating the necessary technology and implement advanced analytics into their business models to satisfy customer expectations and adjust to their constantly changing behavior.  New business models will include phygital (a combination of physical and digital) retail experiences and phygital marketing, creating a unique value proposition that combines the physical and the digital worlds.
  5. Adaptability, flexibility, and sustainability will be key to maintaining a high-performing workplace.

    Employees now expect their talent journey to be more personalized and efficient from day one. With this knowledge, organizations should be designing working experiences to acknowledge each employee as an individual and make them feel supported to increase engagement, efficiency, and dedication. Promoting a data‑driven culture can help generate this personalized support at each stage of the process with visible results, such as more committed staff, boosts in performance, improved decision-making, and AI-enabled innovation.

“As industries face societal, environmental and other challenges, businesses will need to invest in and focus on their reinvention strategy to stay competitive in a rapidly changing world. Reinvention looks different across organizations, but it is rooted in a necessity to remain innovative and continue delivering exceptional experiences for their customers and employees alike,” said Agustín Huerta, SVP of Studios at Globant. “Maintaining a customer-centric mindset will be the key to reaping the benefits of new and emerging technologies. The organizations that thrive will use technology to enhance their business models and outcomes and foster an adaptable, flexible, and sustainable internal culture that retains key talent in 2022 and beyond.”

For more information and download the full version of the “2022 Trends Report,” click here. 

About Globant
We are a digitally native company that helps organizations reinvent themselves and unleash their potential. We are the place where innovation, design, and engineering meet scale. 

  • We have more than 23,500 employees and we are present in 18 countries working for companies like Google, Rockwell Automation, Electronic Arts and Santander, among others.
  • We were named a Worldwide Leader in CX Improvement Services by the IDC MarketScape report.
  • We were also featured as a business case study at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford.  
  • We are members of The Green Software Foundation (GSF) and the Cybersecurity Tech Accord.

Contact: pr@globant.com 
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Trends Report 2022