• What Differentiates AI Leaders, According To A Founder Of Globant

  • 31 Jan 2020

    In the News

What Differentiates AI Leaders, According To A Founder Of Globant

Science fiction is riddled with dystopian views of artificial intelligence. It can be difficult for companies to embrace AI as augmenting—rather than threatening. At this point, with 90% of companies having made at least some investment in artificial intelligence, it’s all but inevitable that AI will redefine every industry. While organizations recognize that investing in AI is essential to competing in the digital age, they struggle to realize gains as a result of their AI implementations. Fewer than 40% of companies have realized business gains from AI in the past three years. 

How can we bridge this gap? I recently sat down with Guibert Englebienne, CTO and co-founder of Globant, a digitally-native technology services company committed to leveraging the latest technologies and methodologies to help organizations thrive in their digital transformations. He shared his take on how organizations can most effectively navigate the transition to adopting artificial intelligence. In his view, it involves a winning combination of empowering both employees and customers to succeed.