• White Paper on Mobile Trends

  • 22 Aug 2012

    Press Release

An exclusive research from Globant and NearshoreAmericas shows new trends in usability and application development.

An exclusive research from Globant and NearshoreAmericas shows new trends in usability and application development

New York, June 2011. – With downloadable apps numbering 250,000 for just the iPhone alone, Mobile Solutions have become part of people´s lives. But interface and usability experts generally agree that much more work remains to be done to get a successful application. An exclusive research conducted by NearshoreAmericas and Globant points out some of the current challenges that companies face when reaching to their audiences by mobile channels.

“You might think developers by now would have perfected the ideal design for the mobile user experience. But interface and usability experts generally agree that much more work remains to be done, that standards are non-existent, best practices are touted but often ignored, and that too many developers want to emphasize technical razzle-dazzle rather than thinking about what's best for the user”, the paper explains.

This research was conducted based on the experience that Globant had during the past years building mobile applications for companies like LinkedIn and Autodesk, and includes the opinion of several industry experts.

The study remarks that more than 6.5 billion apps were downloaded from the Apple Store, and that each smart phone holds an average of 19 apps per device.

"Perhaps the hardest challenge is to get the user working quickly," says Hernán Pentimalli, VP of Technology, Globant Mobile Studio. "With a mobile app, you have only a short window of attention from the user. In less than one minute, a user will decide to use the app or not. He has to be able to understand it just by taking a look at it, with no documentation. If it takes more than 20 seconds for the user to become engaged, you need to rethink your design."

The whitepaper states: “Building the best mobile-user experience requires a team with expertise across multiple related disciplines, such as mobile apps expertise, solid technical knowledge, programming talent and creativity”.

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About Globant Mobile Studio
With a team of more than 100 professionals, the Mobile Studio focuses on mobile applications development with a deep focus in user interface. During the past years, Globant has built a strong expertise in mobile applications development working with world-class companies. For more information about Globant´s Mobile Studio, visit www.globant.com/mobile

About Globant

Globant is a global leader in the creation of innovative software products that appeal to global audiences. Globant combines a rational blend of Open-Source with proprietary software, which brings flexibility, mitigates risk and ultimately reduces costs. Globant is a privately held, privately funded company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina with offices in Tandil, Córdoba, Rosario, Resistencia and La Plata in Argentina, Montevideo in Uruguay, Bogota in Colombia, San Jose and Boston in the United States, and London, UK. For more information, visit www.globant.com