• Why a minimal viable product should also be lovable

  • 05 Sep 2019

    In the News

Why a minimal viable product should also be lovable

In order to compete in today’s market, products and services must not only be useful, but lovable. Rachel Armstrong, a partner at Globant’s Consulting Studio, explains.

Customers today are demanding. They expect the same frictionless, seamless experience from every company they interact with, whether it’s their local supermarket or Amazon. More often than not, shoppers develop deep emotional connections with the products, services and brands that not only meet their needs, but delight them by going above and beyond. A Harvard Business Review study found that emotionally connected customers are 52% more valuable to brands than customers who are just “highly satisfied.”

Nowadays, products and services must not only be useful, but lovable. However, too often, an organisation’s first release of a new product, service or feature to the public includes none of the experiences customers love. Standard practice is to build, test and refine a minimum viable product (MVP) internally, only bringing in customers to test an alpha release with basic functionality. 

If the new concept isn’t lovable, an organisation won’t find out until late in the process. In addition, an MVP that hasn’t been optimised for customer engagement may not have enough uptake to yield useful data and insights as an alpha. Either way, it’s a waste of time and resources for the organisation.