Event BG
SAVE THE DATE: May 26 - Madrid - Globant Book Launch
Thu, May 26, 2016
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.


On Thursday May 26th at 9:00 am at The Hotel Unico, three authors: Martin Migoya, (Globant CEO & founder),Guibert Englebienne (Globant CTO & founder) and Andres Angelani (Globant CSO) will be there to launch Globant's new book: The Never-Ending Digital Journey. They will be joined by Beatriz Lara, who is expert in innovation and digital transformation.

The book covers different concepts on how new digital economies are shaping businesses and what are the strategies needed to create business scale. The Never-Ending Digital Journey also shares valuable real cases that provide key examples to cope with the range complex from Disruptive technologies, such as mobility, the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, social networks and the creation of crossings and digital experiences.

Save the date and register now!

Thu, May 26, 2016
This event has ended! Thank you very much to all the attendees who made this event successful! If you want to know our next events, stay tuned on our social networks where you will find us as @Globant.