Be One of a Kind, the place to highlight the uniqueness in every Glober and bridge social gaps in the tech industry
07 Apr 2021
In the News

We all know that the world needs more people committed to creating changes that positively impact everybody’s lives. People often resist believing that all human beings can inspire future generations without doing much, just unleashing our essence and what makes us all unique and special.
Globant is taking steps to ensure that everyone, especially people who are often overlooked, is seen, feel welcome, and supported; For that reason, launches Be One of a Kind, a place where you can make the difference, is a space to share different perspectives with the aim of reducing inequalities and making the world a more connected place. People of different gender, ages, ethnicities, religions, diverse abilities, and identities will connect to inspire and support other initiatives and ideas around the world.
With Be One of a Kind, Globant brings everyone related to the IT industry closer together and provides the chance to awaken our individuality in a place designed to highlight our unique identity, skills, and talents while understanding and living with individual, cultural and social diversity.
To learn more and be part of this inclusive community, access the site.