• Chief data officer: The CIO’s new best friend?

  • 11 Dec 2019

    In the News

Chief data officer: The CIO’s new best friend?

The chief data officer position is growing not only more prevalent, but also more prominent, as part of digital transformation work. Here’s how and why CIOs should cultivate this partnership.

As more organizations recognize the importance of leveraging big data and analytics to drive smarter business decisions, the role of the chief data officer (CDO) has taken center stage. (That’s chief data officer, not to be confused with chief digital officer, a role for which hiring has slowed.)

Nearly 63 percent of senior Fortune 1000 business and tech decision-makers said their organizations had an appointed chief data officers in 2018, compared to 12 percent in 2012, according to a survey by NewVantage Partners. Gartner predicts that three-quarters of large organizations will have a CDO by 2021.