• Globant received the Mercurio Gold Award 2007

  • 17 Aug 2012

    Press Release

Buenos Aires, November 30th, 2007 - Globant, a leading company in global IT services and solutions, was recognized in Marketing with the Mercurio Gold Award (Premio Mercurio de Oro) after winning in the International Cases category.

The Mercurio Awards Ceremony, organized by the Argentinean Marketing Association (Asociación Argentina de Marketing), was held last night in the Atlas cinemas in Recoleta. Other companies competing for the award were: Repsol YPF, Unilever, Petrobras, Banco Galicia and Bodegas Norton.

Globant won the Mercurio Gold Award with the case “Leading the IT revolution in Latin America” (Liderando la revolución IT en América Latina). The case explained the opportunity that Martín Migoya, Guibert Englebienne, Martín Umaran and Néstor Nocetti saw in 2003 to create Globant, and all the marketing actions that they implemented to achieve their goals: in only five years they formed a team of 600 employees, they opened offices in Buenos Aires, Tandil, La Plata, Mexico, Boston, Silicon Valley, Phoenix and London, and have projected revenues for 2008 of USD 40 millions.

“We are very proud of winning the Mercurio Gold Award. It’s a very important recognition to the dedication of our employees. It also brings us closer to our objective of becoming the Latin-American leaders in the IT outsourcing market”, explain Néstor Nocetti, Director and Founder.

Since Globant was created, the company has received the most exclusive awards: it has been distinguished as Endeavor Entrepreneur 2005, the MIT wrote a business case about it, it received the ExportAr award as the best IT exporter and it was named the Best Emerging Global Service Provider by Global Services Magazine.

For more information regarding the Mercurio Award, visit: http://www.aam-ar.com/premios/ganadores.asp

About Globant

Globant is one of the fastest growing global IT services companies in Latin America. Its flexibility and abilities quickly made Globant a global player in the extremely competitive IT market, with world-class clients, specially located in USA and Europe. 
Globant offers a wide portfolio of solutions –from software development and infrastructure management, to software globalization–and is extremely experienced in open source technologies and agile methodologies. Globant’s teams provide services internationally, always backed up by their offices in Buenos Aires, Tandil, La Plata, Mexico, London, Palo Alto, Phoenix and Boston.

For more information about Globant, visit: www.globant.com