• Globant StarMeUp: Maintaining a Digital Culture

  • 29 Jun 2016

    In the News

Jason Bloomberg writes about his experience of StarMeUp and how it can help organizations transform digitally and ahdere to the desire for their ultures t ochange. "how to steer this change" has been one of the most difficult challanges that digital presents now. StarMeUp can repurpose employees' innate competitive nature and turn it around, fostering a collaborative culture instead of and adversarial one.

Jason Bloomberg writes about his experience of StarMeUp and how it can help organizations transform digitally and ahdere to the desire for their ultures t ochange. "how to steer this change" has been one of the most difficult challanges that digital presents now.  StarMeUp can repurpose employees' innate competitive nature and turn it around, fostering a collaborative culture instead of and adversarial one. Read more.