• Globant´s new Sentinel Report highlights how to create smart venues merging digital with physical features

  • 23 Sep 2021

    Press Release


According to the Report created by Globant, the effective use of digitalization could reduce up to 25% the operational expenditures and increase up to 30% revenues 

Miami, FL, September 23, 2021 - Globant (NYSE: GLOB), a digitally native company that offers innovative technology solutions released a new Sentinel Report to help companies rethink physical and digital spaces and enhance the consumer experience by removing frictions and creating a virtuous circle of data. This new report was written by Globant’s Smart Venues Studio and reflects their views on how organizations need to evolve to improve experiences. 

The Sentinel Report called “Creating memories is now your brand” demonstrates how technology can create fundamentally better customer journeys across a variety of venues and locations. From sports stadiums to shopping malls, it’s now possible to build more seamless, enjoyable, and sustainable rides for customers.

“The pandemic has invariably changed how businesses are thinking about physical space. By seamlessly integrating technology, the physical and digital worlds can be bridged, allowing any industry that creates experiences including cruise ships, theme parks, stadiums, even hospitals an opportunity to reinvent and improve their CX approach”, said Martin Nanni, Globant VP of Technology and head of the Smart Venues Studio. “Consumers are demanding to avoid frictions – no more standing in line for instance – and organizations need to keep up to date with these needs.” 

The pandemic has exposed how companies that rely on physical spaces and venues need to maintain pace with technological advancement and adapt to new consumer behavior. The Report details a step-by-step approach on how businesses can create Smart Venues by: 

  1. Conducting a deep analysis of customer touchpoints
  2. Benchmarking across industries
  3. Creating an app to be the heart of a smart venue
  4. Building magical, stand-out moments
  5. Creating a virtuous circle of data

Creating Smart Venues can also drive significant up-sell and new revenue generating opportunities. Based on a Globant analysis conducted for a major European football stadium, the effective use of digitalization would drive a 10-25 percent reduction in operational expenditure, and a 15-30 percent increase in revenues. Similar benefits for venues ranging from restaurants and airports to healthcare settings can be achieved.

“We’re partnering with companies across industries to completely reimagine the consumer experience and enhance their competitiveness in the digital era”, said Nicolás Avila, Chief Technology Officer for North America at Globant. “The new Sentinel Report is a useful guide for businesses to chart their journey to create Smart Venues, which will allow companies to increase loyalty and push limits of brand engagement.” 

For more insights on the report you can watch the following video

About Globant

We are a digitally native company that helps organizations reinvent themselves to create a way forward and unleash their potential. We are the place where innovation, design and engineering meet scale. 

  • We have more than 20,000 employees and we are present in 18 countries working for companies like Google, Rockwell Automation, Electronic Arts, and Santander, among others.
  • We were named a Worldwide Leader in CX Improvement Services by IDC MarketScape report.
  • We were also featured as a business case study at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford.  
  • We are a member of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord.

Contact: pr@globant.com 
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