• Globant’s Q2 2015 Sentinel Report: Consumer Behavior trends that will reshape businesses

  • 18 May 2015

    Press Release

Globant introduces the second edition of its Sentinel Report, a document that compiles consumer and market trends to ignite strategic thinking.

San Francisco, CA, May XX, 2015 - Globant (NYSE: GLOB), a new-breed of technology services provider focused on delivering innovative software, today presented the second edition of its Sentinel Report, a document that puts together four important Consumer Behavior trends of these days. 

The goal of this report is to present insightful evidence of consumer behavior and market trends to ignite strategic thinking. By analyzing data published by renowned companies, brands and media outlets, Globant experts created a list of trends that will be strategic and useful for most organizations. The report also presents a list of cases and successful apps that are revolutionizing different industries, including Finance, Travel, Retail and Healthcare.   

This trends will profoundly leverage smartphone functionalities, such as image digitalization, geolocation and interaction with objects. Gamification, augmented reality and social media will be leveraged to generate a tighter bond between brands and users.

“According to trendwatching.com, 87% of consumers want more meaningful relationships with brands, but just 17% think brands deliver”, explained Martín Migoya, Globant CEO and Co-founder. “With this report we want to bring information to organizations to help them evaluate their own digital strategies and generate more meaningful experiences that relate to their consumers”.

The four trends included in the “Sentinel Report Q2 2015” are:

CASHLESS: Technological advances and consumers’ desire for convenience are driving innovations in cashless transactions. To put color on the perspective of this trend, it is valid to highlight that the estimated number of mobile payment users by 2017 will be 450 million, an outstanding growth compared to the 245 million users at the beginning of 2014.

POINT & KNOW:  refers to mobile technologies that allow you to point, know and buy anything. Whether through mainstreaming or the re-purposing of technologies such as QR codes or Augmented Reality, or the development of new ones with powerful and increasingly accurate audio-visual recognition capabilities, information is being released through objects and locations.

INFOLUST: talks about consumers’ voracious appetite for information. Consumers will continue to lap up products, tools and services that provide the right information, at the right time, in an understandable, intuitive and actionable way. The challenge is helping consumers make sense of it, in a way that adds value to their lives.

CROWDEXPRESS: Technology is increasingly harnessing the wisdom of the connected crowd. Collective input can improve design, minimize risk, organize funding and increase the speed of decision-making. Crowd Express makes marketing strategies even more innovative, precise and exciting.

Lastly, Globant also presents an emerging consumer profile that is defining a new way of behaving and relating with brands. The PLAYSUMERS are looking to trust brands that promise mysterious, suspenseful and genuinely surprising new experiences. This new profile comes with new opportunities for companies that are ready to embrace this change.

"This report highlights our commitment to the latest technologies. We are constantly seeking new trends that have the potential to revolutionize how users relate with brands. This report offers tools and information that help inspire and improve the initiatives of organizations”, added Migoya. 

To access the complete report, click here

About Globant

We are a new-breed technology services provider focused on delivering innovative software solutions by leveraging emerging technologies and trends. We combine the engineering and technical rigor of IT services providers with the creative approach and culture of digital agencies. Globant is the place where engineering, design and innovation meet scale.

In only 12 years, we created a company that:

Has more than 4,000 professionals working for companies like Google, LinkedIn, JWT, EA and Coca Cola, among others

Was recognized as one of the top 10 innovative companies in South America by FastCompany

Was included in the 2010 Cool Vendor in Business Process Services Report by Gartner; and

Was featured as a case study  at Harvard, MIT and Stanford.

For more information, visit www.globant.com