virtual queuing hero
virtual queuing hero
Transforming the waiting experience

We are ready to transform the future of waiting

Tired of waiting? Now is not the time to have your customers sitting in a waiting room or standing in line waiting to be served. Virtual queues are a simple and elegant solution.

Why Transform?

No-one wants to wait in close proximity to others. And we know that we will need to keep our distance from others for the foreseeable future. You can use this as an opportunity to change how you serve your customers, and provide a much improved and personalized customer experience.

We Can Help You

We are ready to transform your current reality into the future of waiting. With virtual queuing you’ll be able intelligently schedule visits and route people based on your availability. Your customers will see live wait-times, enter the queue remotely from any location, receive updates on waiting times, and notifications on when they should enter your store or office.